WWW. World Walking Ware

Martí Guixé Para Camper

08/04/99. (Sala 187)

Martí Guixé for Camper. Products for restless walkers


From April 8 to May 8, 1999.

After redesigning one of the most popular pleasures of our palate, bread with tomato, to turn it into SPAMT, this designer dares to bring out for Camper a collection of objects for walking. From soothing foot tea, to a scarf that can be purchased by the meter for long walks around the city in winter.

“In the future, both the virtual world and the real world will flourish. The former is the domain of Internet surfers and the latter the realm of those who wander restlessly through the streets of big cities. The requirement for the first group is software and for the second, footwear,” says Guixé. 

The products on display, all manufactured by the Camper company, have some relation to the foot, the shoe or the act of walking, and aim to offer an improvement, whether functional, cultural or intellectual, to the conventional products of the footwear industry.

Martí Guixé Roca studied design at Elisava and later at the Scuola Politécnica di Milano. He has collaborated with Fernando Salas, Benedito Design and Mariscal, among others. Co-founder of an experimental design group and an industrial design studio, he participates in multiple projects in Germany and Korea; among his awards are the INFAD medal for interior design, Honorable work in International Luggage Design Competition Toyooka ’94 and the fourth prize in the design competition “Missing Things” in Hannover.