The Boquería collection

Cecilia de Arriba

01/04/04. (Sala 221)

LA BOQUERIA, what a pleasure!

“A la Boqueria hi fan festa els cinc sentits”.

“A market that, like the impressionist painters, you have to portray at all hours of the day… if you want to discover there the great lesson of the Heraclitus: in the Barcelona market life is never the same, everything is always new” (Ignasi Riera).

“La Boqueria is not only a market, it is also a cathedral destined to the cult of possible or impossible Abundance. Of all the markets in Barcelona it is the one that is most aware of its power of seduction and cultivates the coquetry of showing everything it has with a wink aimed at stimulating the highest appetites.” (Manuel Vázquez Montalbán)

With these phrases described the Boqueria almost 15 years ago two of the best writers of our country, two of the best friends of this market that, like good wine, improves over the years.

Entering the Boqueria is like entering a great festival of diversity, where colors, smells and races are mixed to form a single spirit.

The Institut Municipal de Mercats is aware of this and is proud of it. In recent years, together with the vendors, architectural projects have been carried out architectural projects that further enhance this spirit.

The absence of the old columns, the new fish island, the roof and a new management building, where l’Aula Gastronòmica de la Boqueria has been installed, are examples of the Institut de Mercats’ intention to care for and pamper this jewel of a market.

Once again, the Boqueria is a pioneer with this initiative that unites tradition and vanguard. From the Institut Municipal de Mercats we invite you to enjoy this collection of sculptures of the trades of the market designed by Cecilia de Arriba and produced by Cha-Chá.

The result… judge for yourselves.