Pintura Al fresc

Oriol Treserra / Lluis Mestres

25/06/87. (Sala 090)

From June 25 to July 11, 1987.

The fresco technique used, almost unconsciously, by hunters in prehistoric times, is the oldest form of water painting. A fortuitous chemical process has preserved it in caves for centuries.

Later, the Egyptians, the Greeks and the Romans, consciously used this technique for its great and lasting qualities. Under favorable conditions, the colors retain their luminosity and intensity indefinitely.

A chemical reaction between wet lime and certain components of the atmosphere gives fresco painting its particular hardness: Calcium Hydroxide + Carbon Dioxide = Calcium Carbonate.

We presented at La Sala Vinçon the exhibition “Fresco painting” made on the wall by Oriol Treserra and Lluís Mestres, a painter-screen printer and a graphic-illustrator eager to to showcase and disseminate this technique

In the middle of La Sala, a 10-meter long wall was erected to host an everlasting painting in an ephemeral installation.

Photography: Ferran Freixa 

Editing: Salvador Miserachs 

Preparation and Coating: Josep M. Pujol 

Photocomposition: Llovet, S.A.

* Coinciding with this exhibition, a dinner service by the architect and sculptor Andrés Nagel for Porcelanas de Bidasoa will be presented on the same day in the store.