Naturalezas naturales

Josefina Miralles

23/10/73. (Sala 012)

Fina Miralles’ exhibition presents a series of natural materials: farmland, 2 hens, 12 potato plants, 20 birds, river stones, a tree, grass, a field of white beans, water, beach sand, 1 shrub, more than 300 snails and almost 100 shells. Alongside them lies industrial products, either for treatment (a hen, a bird, and 2 dissected pigeons) or for an artificial creation (a wooden window frame) a wooden greenhouse, or a shrub and eggs made from plastic.

The exhibition is completed by visual cues from nature, a film based on phenomenon activities (like wind and rain) and slides of artistic elements (tree, stone).

Exhibition features: Paintings of snail shells, snails taken back to the fields, grass floating in the sea, beach sand brought back inside.

There’s an interest in the contrast between natural and artificial and to demonstrate the unnaturalness of any transformation process that threatens the invariability of space and the message of natural elements.