La parida lluminosa

Joan Barjau / Marcel Bergés

07/03/75. (Sala 035)

Drawings: Marcel Bergés, Joan Barjau

Written version: Joan de Sagarra

In homage to Agustín de Foxá.

The drawings are hung on the walls, of regular size. These drawings are made in a rather conventional way, and the theme is the woman-mother-sexual object.

In the middle of the room is placed the furniture and equipment typical of a gynecologist’s clinic: articulated stretcher, with the different supports for the legs, instrument cabinets and 2 large lights hanging over the stretcher. The lights in the room were set very low, illuminating only the lower half of the space. The drawings were painted in charcoal and the furniture finishings metallic, so everything was unified in the gray range.

We do not know the “written version” of Joan de Sagarra. We only know the text included in the poster of the exhibition: in the form of a lady’s leg, from foot to thigh, pink.

The relation “Ferida Lluminosa” / “Parida Lluminosa” Josep Mª. de Sagarra / Joan de Sagarra is obvious, but with the only material we have we have not been able to establish it.