Inventario Sorpresa

Perico Pastor

16/12/87. (Sala 094)

From December 16, 1987 to Gener 9, 1988

Surprise Inventory (Tour of a mind)

Simultaneous exhibition with the René Metras Gallery (Consell de Cent, 331)

I am a little disappointed with this installation.

When I began to think about composing this surprise inventory as an image of the journey of a mind, I imagined a very intricate space, with tunnels, stairs, catenaries, ascents and descents, as if this journey of the mind -this journey through the mind- had to be a very complicated thing… And in this flat, almost naked space, these four walls, four scattered, reiterative objects, under this zenithal light, have remained.

The labyrinth was nothing more than this repeated walk of the bear of the park around its moat, standing, rising and swinging, always nodding at the same points.

This is not what I imagined, but art is not what one imagined, what one believed, nor what one wished; when it works, it is what one had always known.