Confesiones de una diva

Angel Pawlosky / Colita / Xavier Olivé

05/12/76. (Sala 057)

CONFESIONES DE UNA DIVA is a photo-novel starring Angel Pawlovsky with photographs by Colita, staged by Xavier Olivé and with vips playing supporting roles.

It is not a normal exhibition of photographs. The photos, which tell the story of a small town girl who goes to the city to succeed and after many vicissitudes becomes a great diva, are exhibited in different ways and formats, integrated into the scenery (the town house, the dressing room and the great hall) of the exhibition.

The photo-novel with text by Anna M. Moix is an exclusive published in Siesta Magazine.

On the opening day, Àngel Pawlovsky appeared in the hall like a big star, the audience asked him for autographs and Colita photographed him. Pawlovsky, besieged by the audience, faints and is revived with an injection. He is given flowers and a festive atmosphere is created, toasting with champagne.

Photographs by Colita:

“Confesiones de una diva”. Sala Vinçon, Barcelona, 1976 © Archivo Colita Fotografía

Montatge de l’exposició “Confesiones de una diva”. Sala Vinçon, Barcelona, 1976 © Archivo Colita Fotografía