

17/04/10. (Sala 270)

Prologue: The theme of Tengible is creating a connection between the tangible and the intangible, and combines the shadows of physical objects with the shadows of the graphics. One may appear solid, the other simulated. However, what is experienced is neither, but falls somewhere in between these two worlds.

Concept of the work: Tengible is as installation work that draws on a combination of 10 short films; fantastical shadows of ivy grow from real bottles, the silhouette of a wine glass suddenly contorts in whimsical ways. Usually it is easy to discern the real from the illusory. But, as one views Tengible, the boundaries become blurred.

The Exhibition: Bottles and vases were placed behind the back projection screen upon which computer graphics were projected. This provided a canvas where real and imagery shadows could be mixed. With Tengible, we focused on a universal work free of specific languages and cultures. The objects were carefully selected to fit the mood of the work; whether a flying balloon or crumbling bricks, none of the elements require explanation. Therefore the themes of Tengible – existence and recognition – can be clearly understood.

Profile of WOW: WOW is a visual design studio based in Tokyo, Sendai and Florence. We are involved in a wide field of design from advertising and commercial works to installation works for exhibition spaces, and also invent new user interface designs for prominent brand names. We are also very passionate about creating original art works, holding exhibitions not only in Japan but also internationally. We are continuously discovering the tremendous possibilities of visual design, and the visual designs that are useful for society bring out the best talents of each artist and designer.