Taller video

Muntadas / Creston

11/07/74. (Sala 026)

Creation and realization of videotapes by Bill Creston and Antoni Muntadas.

During the two weeks of this experience, 5 sessions of 3 hours were held, with groups of 3 or 4 people, depending on specific projects or specific practices.

The first session was a common introduction and the rest of the sessions were for work and project realization. As equipment we had 2 portable Sony TVs, one European and one American, another studio TV and two monitors. 

The tapes produced were presented at the end of the program in two public sessions. Groups of architects, of designers related to the Eina school, and experimental filmmakers from Eugeni Bonet’s environment participated.

Bigas Luna presented his 35-minute video “Cadires”, where the chairs came to life before the immobility of the character played by Fernando Amat.

Participants had to pay a registration fee of about 2,000 Ptas. each.