En el bosque triangular, después del crepúsculo

Silvia Gubern

22/03/76. (Sala 048)

Drawings, smears and paintings on glass.

After having previously participated in conceptual experiences with Llena, Àngel Jové and Jordi Galí, he presents on this occasion in La Sala Vinçon a series of paintings and drawings.

The most characteristic of this exhibition is, along with the diversity of frames, square, rectangular, triangular and circular, making paintings on glass, which involves a different technique and little used today. 

“Glass has always fascinated me because of its hardness, its transparency…I see it as contradictory, because it lets light through but it is strong. It also gives me the opportunity to express the emptiness, because the blank sheet already has a color, white, while in the glass is like drawing in space, “says Silvia Gubern.

The subject matter is very simple at first glance, however, on a second reading, surrealist, Dadaist factors are revealed, with a great load of rituals and hermeticism, using sopt, sober and deep colors.

His drawings in black and white and, sometimes, colored, of careful perspective, free and spontaneous, stand out.