No es vanguardia

La Hermandad Pictórica Aragonesa

28/01/74. (Sala 017)

The two artists who make this installation are brothers and work hand in hand with their works, signing them until this time with their two names and surnames: Ángel and Vicente Pascual-Rodrigo. They title this installation with an occurrence that from this time on will become their signature: “la hermandad pictórica aragonesa”. 

For the installation the walls of the room are lined with tin foil. Works made on canvas, board or paper hang from them. From the ceiling to the outline of the walls hangs a large “illusion tulle” dyed in blue. Two white painted street benches have been placed. An ironic locution is continuously heard in Spanish, Catalan and English. 

The center of the room is populated with figures of pressed, cut and painted wood, resting on the floor and supported by threads that hang from the ceiling. On the back they are painted in different flat colors that make up an abstract set and show the title of each piece painted, a large merchandise identification label hangs. One of the boards is a sleeping bag, it is flat on the floor and has wheels, so that the viewer can move it around the room. Also fastened by threads, 24 rectangular tables are separated from the wall that form a mosaic with the sequential narration of a surreal comic. 

Characters such as Louis Armstrong, Onassis, Bob Dylan, Batman, Kafka, Janis Joplin, Raquel Meller, Sofía Loren, the Duchess of Windsor … a set of figures cut to life size represent the first vaccination in Barcelona with a cow and everything … a child flying communion dress, bullfighters, dancers, a newspaper vendor … a monument with some girls carrying a cart with a gigantic egg from which emerges the head of a man talking on the phone, clouds, herbs, rude plastic flowers and other elements kitsch … a gigantic fly on an apparently dirty curtain that covers the left window … in the right window a gigantic San Antonio in 3D, which is seen through the two-colored glasses of a cutout couple of lagarteranos … a large royal bed with a prostitute in it headboard and a man sitting on it with a hat smokes a cigar and looks at the viewer with morose lewdness…