Marques Il.lustrades

Claret Serrahima / Jaume Roure

26/09/89. (Sala 111)

La Sala Vinçon begins the 89-90 season with an exhibition by Claret Serrahima and Jaume Roure.

Under the title “Marques il.lustrades” they establish a relationship between eleven brands of well-known products of popular consumption and different pictorial styles. Thus the “Pura Lana Virgen” is presented according to a Vayreda’s landscape, the red and green of the brand “Lacoste” takes the style of a Rothko, the magazine “Vogue” is represented by Hockney, etc.

In the words of the authors: “It is about looking, about sharing a journey through a mixture of graphics and painting. To see how a landscape emerges from graphics and a mark, a sign, from painting. How a set of unlikely (and sometimes contrary) images and styles come together through the memories of the retina that we all share”.

The set shows us, as Enric Satué says, that “sometimes, a logo is something more than a logo”.

The exhibition has been painted directly on the wall of La Sala, with some frames silkscreened on it, and accompanied by a catalog that gives us a vision of the exhibition through the photos of Manel Esclusa, the design of J.M. Mir and the texts of Enric Satué, Vicenç Altaió and Quim Monzó.

Barcelona, September 1989.