La ciutat de paper

Albert Beltrán / Josep Palet / Xavier Solé

08/07/81. (Sala 073)

Design Team: Albert Beltrán, Josep Palet and Xavier Solé.

The realizations of “The Paper City” consist of the elaboration of a series of scale cut-outs: buildings, vehicles and urban elements very characteristic of Barcelona.

The aim of this task, in which we have been working for a few years, is to popularize a series of works of proven historical-sentimental-symbolic-architectural interest that make up a part of the urban landscape in which we move daily and perhaps that is why they are blurred in an environment that is not always pleasant.

We have separated them from this environment, we have reduced them in scale and we give the possibility that everyone can assemble them at home and play to configure a pleasant urban space, even if only in miniature.

To ensure that, besides being fun, it is interesting at many other levels, we have demanded a rigorous level of work, both in the quality of drawing, color and assembly instructions -written in Spanish, Catalan and English- and in the seriousness of the historical and bibliographical data accompanying each cut-out.

On the other hand, we have chosen a popular system or technique of reproduction such as the cut-out because we believe that it is worth recovering it as a sample of an iconography of a strong Barcelona tradition that has practically disappeared.