Diez Años Luz

Antoni Arola

12/04/07. (Sala 249)

Santa & Cole and Antoni Arola present the ten light years installation at La Sala Vinçon which looks over the designer’s trajectory in illumination.

The exhibitions considers itself as a “projector lamp”.

From 12 April until 5 May, an audiovisual installation based on the theme of light is open to visitors at La Sala Vinçon, Barcelona. Created by Antoni Arola and inspired by his most representative work which compiles his lighting universe. Ten light years is a project that looks over a decade of the creators work in the area of illumination, a trajectory united to designer editor Santa & Cole, who has produced almost all of Arola’s lamps.

When Arola expressed his wish to conceptualize his personal vision of light to Santa & Cole, both himself aswell as the designer company wanted to escape from the mere light exhibition to design a new lighting form. Hence, the installation experiment with different projections and effects of light and sound, as though it were a laboratory, projecting the impulses that intervene in the designer’s creative process toward the visitor.

The global interest for design, the taste for aesthetics and the unnerving need for innovation which characterizes the author have all marked his creative line, clearly focused on lighting projects, which Arola has always had a special preference for. The majority of ideas which have arisen in this scene during the last ten years have been put into practice by Santa & Cole, who have editted famous lamps such as the Moaré and Oven lamps.

This istallation intends to show that every lamp has a story behind it: an origin and developmental process which on many occasions, coincidents plays a part of, such as an idea which is put to one side in the authors subconscious during a period of time until the creative process is one day turned on and is made reality by an object which expresses this.

According to Javier Nieto, president at Santa & Cole Design Editions, ” to us showing the ten years of colaboration with Toni Arola through a lighting installation responds to the essence of our company. We edit objects with culture, such as Arola’s lamps, which don’t only illuminate but also transmit something else, as is reflected in the exhibition held”.