Ambicioso y Natural

Yoshi Sislay

14/07/11. (Sala 275)

Yoshi Sislay was born in Osaka in 1974 and after visiting various cities decides to settle permanently in Barcelona. He decides to become an illustrator during his travels around the world. Yoshi illustrates his experiences and feelings. Watching how his drawings evolve over time is an exciting thought for him.

He has exhibited his work in CCCB BAC ’06, at FAD, at the Zaragoza History Centre and has drawn in over 40 window displays.

My drawings are like a tree, where each and every leaf is different. Ephemeral artworks which spring to later shed all its leaves at the end of the demonstration.

This landscape drawing allows two main points of view, near and far. You will be able to admire the artwork in a different way every time you visit it.

Yoshi says. Honma arigatou.