Accio Zero, Accio U

Cesc Gelabert / Frerderic Amat

29/11/76. (Sala 055)

Acció-0: the mind and the body, was created in collaboration with the painter Frederic Amat (Barcelona, 1952) and the musician Lewin Richter. In the title one could find resonances to one of the emblems of postmodern dance. Gelabert is interested in the treatment of sensations and emotions with the distance of an analyst (or an architect): the balance between expression (passion, movement) and construction (language, architecture) would be maintained throughout the creative trajectory of the Catalan choreographer.

Acció 1: La vida y la muerte (1976) was the second Gelabert-Amat collaboration. In this case, the plastic component was accentuated, to the point that some critics described the piece as an “embodiment of Amat’s paintings”: the dancers, wrapped in a chrysalis, had their limbs fixed to long reeds that turned them into flat surfaces and forced them to “invent their movement”.