3 x 9 punts de vista

Dols Escultures

07/03/02. (Sala 202)

Point of view.

3 sculptures commented by 9 writers.

Each work of art brings extremely different comments to mind for each of the writers.

It is well known that one of the mysteries of art is the observer collaborates with the author’s creation regarding the art work they interpret. And all possible interpretations are different, as different as every human being.

This only happens with art; it does not happen with other visual creations whose aspiration is also communication between humans. Art is polysemous, its wealth stemming from a myriad of interpretations. Art is not a communicative code whose desire is to be univocal. (For example, road signs and their meaning), where there is only one possible interpretation, the same for all of us.

Sculptures are also signs, but ambiguous, polysemous signs. We all become their creator when we interpret them.

Nine writers gave their point of view: Joan Barril, Valentí Gómez i Oliver, Maria de la Pau Janer, Luis Racionero, Rosa Regás, Maria Mercé Roca, Xavier Rubert de Ventós, Alberto Vázques-Figueroa and Vicenç Villatoro.

Their comments resulted in nine bookmarks, which they presented to visitors.